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Point Loma

Californie - San Diego


Point Loma - San Diego

Point Loma is a posh neighbourhood situated on a green, hilly peninsula that separates San Diego Bay from the Pacific Ocean.The district is home to Sunset Cliffs Natural Park, a popular spot to watch the sun go down. Therefore, Point Loma is a bay front community which provides picturesque sceneries that run across San Diego Bay to the Downtown Skyline and continue down to coast to Mexico. The quiet district welcomes well-off families and wealthy professionals, who usually live in large, window-filled houses. Point Loma also hosts marinas, yacht clubs as well as the world-renowned Point Loma Seafood Co. It provides a surprisingly suburban feel and a cosy environment to enjoy a high-end lifestyle.

Aperçu du marché

The American real estate market has suffered from an important crisis, due to seizure of properties. This phenomenon had a huge consequence on prices, which plummeted. Therefore, investing in a property in San Diego is currently a safe investment and is interesting as the market benefits from favorable conditions. The market has been regaining certain momentum, and prices started to rise. As the city enjoys a mature market, investors can foresee a high return on investment. Besides, the American population is mobile and often changes its accommodations. The law is particularly secured for financial backers and the American system is based on MLS (Multiple Listing System) which gathers all properties on sale, which is a guaranty of  ease to find one. Thanks to a nice economic expansion, San Diego enjoys a large and diversified property portfolio with competitive prices for a city such vibrant, enormous and sunny. All in all, this area is a real heaven for owners and real estate investors.

L'essentiel sur les ventes

Before any investment, the potential buyer will have to contact a professional of the real estate sector. The latter will need his client's passport and other administrative and bank documents to testify his identity and his solvency. The buying process is really fast (around one month). You do not need to have the American citizenship nor the famous Green card but you are required to provide a social security number (SSN), which is obligatory to fill in the tax return (that is only $100 for a property).

Besides, it is highly recommended to purchase an insurance regarding the ownership title in order to be secured in case of potential recording error.

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San Diego
Découvrez les hotspots en San Diego
San Diego is a city situated on the Pacific coast, in the south of the State of California and it counts more than 1.3 million inhabitants. The waterfront city is close to the boarder with Mexico and it is the second city of California and the 8th most populous city of the United States. San Diego is a major economic center in the region thanks to tourism, international trade and military and defence activities. This is also a large Biotechnology Research center thanks to the presence of the University of California in San Diego as well as academic medical sites.Since the Second World War, San Diego has been an important military center as the US Navy has its main naval base and its largest maritime airport in the city. This southernmost...

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