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Paris is the French capital, its agglomeration includes more than 20 million inhabitants. Paris is at once the economic, political and cultural capital of France. The capital is full of famous places such as "The Eiffel Tower", "Triumphal Arch", "Notre Dame Cathedral" or "The Louvre Museum". Paris is the third world touristic destination in 2016 behind Bangkok and London. Paris is a very popular destination for investors, it is quite possible to enjoy a prestigious property in Haussmann-style buildings, or a property that overlooks the “Jardin des Tuileries, the “Palais Royal” or the edges of the Seine.

The luxury property market remained strong during the year of 2016 and the trend is expected to extend to 2017.

The end of 75% taxes and the readjustment of prices of luxury real estate were triggers of this renewed attractiveness in Ile de France. 

Moreover interest rates are still attractive and estimated at 2.19% in January 2016. Paris also benefits from a favorable price differential compared to other capital of luxury real estate like New York, Miami or London. Maintaining the euro against the dollar helps to maintain the purchasing power of non-European customers.

Descubra los hotspots en Paris

Paris is divided into 20 different districts, assigned according to a spiral numbering, starting from the center of the city (1 district) and turning in the direction of the needles of a clock. Discover through our selection, the most prestigious districts of the city.

Descubra los hotspots en Paris


Descubra las regiones en Francia
Receiving tens of millions of tourists every year, France is a dynamic country which has a lot to offer. Seduced by its sophisticated gastronomy, its marvellous cultural heritage and its diverse landscapes, foreign visitors will be pleased by the authenticity of its towns, the trendiness of its seaside resorts and the liveliness of its capital.France enjoys a temperate climate, precipitations are equally distributed all over the year and temperatures are mild. However, each region have its own climate, due to their specific altitude and their proximity or not to the sea.

Nuestros socios en Paris

Otras regiones en PRESTIGE MLS

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