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Indonesia - Bali

5 anuncios En Seminyak

Seminyak - Bali

The city of Seminyak is situated a few miles away from Denspasar, the capital of Bali. This neighbourhood is a world-class sought-after destination due to its up-and-coming fashion, its fine restaurants and  upscale nightclubs, luxury accommodations as well as upmarket stores. Seminyak is characterized by a manicured and sophisticated atmosphere where there are gorgeous white sandy beaches.

Anuncios en Seminyak
Reseña del mercado

The Indonesian real-estate market is flourishing and attracts a lot of foreign investors. Thanks to an important purchasing power for European in Indonesia, an easy home ownership, very high rental returns, minimum taxes, a nice quality of life and an attractive cost of living, Indonesia is one of the perfect places to invest.

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Descubra los hotspots en Bali
Bali, also known as the "Island of the Gods" is a corner of paradise like no other on earth. Situated in the Indonesian archipelago, the Island of Bali is considered as one of the most enchanting travel and holiday destination all around the world. This dynamic place has succeeded in maintaining its uniqueness and magic over the years thanks to its white sandy beaches, countless waves, gorgeous natural sites as well as its colourful ceremonies, its welcoming communities and their stunning culture.
Balinese are mainly Hindu and have a close relationship to nature. All the Island is full of temples and every Balinese home has one inside. Regarding the economy of the country, it was principally characterized by rice cropping until the 20th...

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