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Old Town

Suiza - Ginebra


Old Town - Ginebra

As the name suggest, the Old City of Geneva is a former district filled with 2000 years of history. Composed of old houses and magnificient buildings of the XV century, this district of Geneva has an extreme singularity.
The charms of its streets, its ramparts and its Bastion Park are a real call to discovery and hapiness. In addition, it is a cultural district where many museums and galleries can be visited throughout the year.

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Geneva is the second most populated city behind Zurich, it’s also at the western end of Lake Geneva. Geneva is mostly a French-speaking city. It is nicknamed "Capital of Peace" because it brings together the largest number of international organization. It is also reputed to be the most important city in terms of private wealth management. The left bank of Geneva is home to business district as well as many prestigious shops.In contrast, the right bank is made of many luxury hotels and gourmet restaurants. Geneva is a city that attracts both by its dynamism and its quality of life.

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