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California - Los Angeles


Brentwood - Los Angeles

Brentwood is an area located at the foot of the Santa Monica Mountains. Originally occupied by agricultural terraces, Brentwood is now one of the most sought-after neighbourhoods in the West Los Angeles.
It is home to numerous commercial zones, grouped around the two major traffic road, ""Wilshire Boulevard"" and "Sunset Boulevard", which separate the neighbourhood in two.
To the north is a hilly area while the south is a flat area. Brentwood has seen many celebrities settle there such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous actor and former governor of California.

Reseña del mercado

The American real estate market has suffered from an important crisis, due to seizure of properties. This phenomenon had a huge consequence on prices, which plummeted. Therefore, investing in a property in L.A. is currently a safe investment and is interesting as the market benefits from favorable conditions.

Besides, the American population is mobile and often changes its accommodations. The law is particularly secured for financial backers and the American system is based on MLS (Multiple Listing System) which gathers all properties on sale, which is a guaranty of  ease to find one.

Thanks to a nice economic expansion, Los Angeles enjoys a large and diversified property portfolio with competitive prices for a city such vibrant, enormous and sunny. All in all, this area is a real heaven for owners and real estate investors.

¿Quiénes son los compradores?

Thanks to its multicultural aspects, Los Angeles is a global city which constantly attracts show business celebrities, fashion leaders, wealthy tourists as well as powerful financial people who are looking for an upscale quality of life, in a magnificent green oasis where are gathered culture, entertainment, glamor and leading-edge technology.

Lo escencial en ventas

"Before any investment, the potential buyer will have to contact a professional of the real estate sector. The latter will need his client's passport and other administrative and bank documents to testify his identity and his solvency. The buying process is really fast (around one month). You do not need to have the American citizenship nor the famous Green card but you are required to provide a social security number (SSN), which is obligatory to fill in the tax return (that is only $100 for a property).

Besides, it is highly recommended to purchase an insurance regarding the ownership title in order to be secured in case of potential recording error. "


Los Angeles
Descubra los hotspots en Los Angeles
The second most populous city in the US, Los Angeles is spread over a very diversified geographical area. Mainly a desert basin, the area is surrounded by the San Gabriel Mountains and divided by the Santa Monica Mountains.The climate of Southern California has often been described as ""perfect"" and for good reasons. Most days are sunny and warm, with delicious ocean breezes in summer. Moisture is low with little rain. In fact, there are no unpleasant seasons in Los Angeles.Los Angeles is considered the cultural capital of the United States, and has more museums and theaters than any other city in the United States. Moreover, the city is known for its many tourist attractions among which is the best known and famous Hollywood Walk of Fa...

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