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2 anuncios en California

Situated on the Western part of the United States, along the Pacific Ocean, the State of California represents an attractive world's end, both urban and very wild at the same time. Characterized by blue sky and mild temperatures all over the year, California offers an unprecedented quality of life, source of an economic and migratory dynamism, which are the American dream's driving forces. Discover our luxury properties in this famous destination for expatriation.

In addition to a drop of prices, the Californian real estate provides unprecedented advantages. Thanks to the MLS system, the real estate market is transparent; the American population is particularly mobile and the American law  gives owners a sense of security. All these elements contribute to make California a true haven for owners and investors.

Descubra las regiones en California

Every year California attracts more than 20 million tourists thanks to Hollywood, its international celebrities, the beaches of Los Angeles, the charm of San Francisco or even the wines of Napa Valley. The Golden State has so much to offer, also in terms of quality of life, attractiveness and dynamism. Discover through our selection, the most beautiful Californian areas of Prestige MLS.
Descubra las regiones en California


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