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San Francisco


San Francisco

Situated in the State of California, between the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean, San Francisco is an iconic city which spreads over 600 square kilometers and hosts over 800,000 inhabitants. The city was created in 1776 and is now the fourth largest city in the United States and the third most visited place of North America. Tourism represents a major economic activity. Indeed, San Francisco hosts some of the most iconic landmarks of the USA, such as the Golden Gate Bridge, the Alcatraz Island, the Fisherman's Wharf, the Chinatown district or even the Painted Ladies. Visitors come to San Francisco to discover its famous cable cars and the legendary ascending streets. It is highly recommended to visit the National Parks situated in the surroundings of the city, such as the renowned Yosemite National Park.Besides, San Francisco has a rich cultural scene, from music to museums, by ways of architecture, cooking or even festivals. The renowned Palace of Fine Arts is home to the finest art collections in the world. The city was the birthplace of the paire of jeans and Levi Strauss & Co but decided to move towards the new technologies as it is close to the Silicon Valley. Nowadays, it is home to worldwide companies, such as Google, Facebook or even Apple. San Francisco has also universities of high fame. San Francisco has become the first banking and financial center of the West coast since the famous gold rush and its Financial District is also known as the Western Wall Street. The location gathers numerous banks, financial institutions and some of the largest venture capital companies in the world. Thanks to all these elements, San Francisco is one of the richest cities in the world.

San Francisco has always been considered as one of the luxury real estate leaders thanks to its dynamism and its attractiveness. Therefore, this is one of the favourite destinations of American billionaires.The luxury real estate market in San Francisco is buyer's market and this upmarket represents 20% of the real estate transactions held in San Francisco. The market is particularly influenced by seasons as the wealthy population does not hesitate in taking summer or winter holidays. Besides, more and more high-end constructions are being built, which enlarge buyer's range of choices. This is a good period for buyers, who can enjoy a little decrease in prices.

Descubra los hotspots en San Francisco

San Francisco is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Internationally renowned for its Victorian posh mansions, its cable cars, its stunning diversity and its picturesque waterfront as well as its Golden Gate Bridge, this Bay city wonders. San Francisco belongs to the city any traveler must visit. Discover this unprecedented destination whose luxurious hotspots await you.

Descubra los hotspots en San Francisco


Descubra las regiones en California
Situated on the Western part of the United States, along the Pacific Ocean, the State of California represents an attractive world's end, both urban and very wild at the same time. Characterized by blue sky and mild temperatures all over the year, California offers an unprecedented quality of life, source of an economic and migratory dynamism, which are the American dream's driving forces. Discover our luxury properties in this famous destination for expatriation.

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