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Canadá - Toronto


Rosedale - Toronto

Rosedale is an upscale residential neighborhood in Toronto and is renowned for being a fashionable area of the city. The district is home to the wealthiest and most prominent citizens of the metropolis. This posh borough offers an absolute lifestyle to its inhabitants in a natural environment with beautiful parklands and flowered streets. Close to Toronto's major business, entertainment and shopping districts, Rosedale is a little haven to discover.

Reseña del mercado

Since the Canadian government has voted a tax for foreign investors, it seems that the real estate market in Toronto has been slowing down. However, this phenomenon was wishing as the government had taken measures to limit price hike. There are more houses to sell and their prices are less expensive, which is a nice news for investors. All these elements allow to create a better offer for the real estate market and an price annual growth more moderated.

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Descubra los hotspots en Toronto
Situated in the Golden Horseshoes region of Canada, Toronto is a dynamic city which welcomes 2.8 million inhabitants. Located on the North shore of Lake Ontario, this is the largest urban center of the country has it is the commercial, financial, industrial and cultural core of Canada. It is also the largest city of the country and the 4th biggest one in North America. Toronto is the capital of Ontario province and enjoys a multicultural aspect. In fact, more than 150 languages are spoken in the city and 50% of its population was not born in Canada. Toronto is considered as a major metropolis in the world and this place is renowned to have a bustling nightlife, international festivals, an original architecture, famous museums and art gal...

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