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110 anuncios en Canadá

This giant country - the second largest one in the world - will achieve you dream. Who never wished to watch aurora borealis, visit dynamic urban centers, have a rest next to lakes of exceptional beauty and admire forests which turned to bright colors in the autumn?
All these elements are gathered in one country, Canada. The harshness of winter will be overshadowed by its welcoming inhabitants and its remarkable quality of life.

The year of 2016 was characterized by a large optimism regarding the Canadian real estate market. This tremendous growth may not be confirmed in 2017 due to the election of Donald Trump in the USA, which could lead to an increase of mortgage rates and the Canadian announcement of new mortgage measures, which could make home ownership more difficult. Despite these elements, Canadian housing market is in good health and is propitious to investments.

Descubra las regiones en Canadá

Canada is a resourceful country with gorgeous properties in very quiet environments as well as splendid houses in dynamic regions. Have a look at our finest selection of luxury goods and explore all Canada has to offer you.
Descubra las regiones en Canadá


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