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Miami Beach

Florida - Miami


Miami Beach - Miami

Miami Beach is a very famous area that is only a few miles away from downtown. Miami Beach is built on an islet barriers, located east of the coast, decorated with small artificial islands. It is the district of excellence for luxurious residential properties, which promise privacy and exclusivity to its purchasers. It is also a rich place full of history, and artistic culture as it still occupies today, a very important place. The art and decoration of the district of Miami Beach has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places and houses the largest collection of art and deco architecture in the world.

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Descubra los hotspots en Miami
Miami is an American iconic city, which makes the whole world dream. Multicultural, festive and above all tolerant, Miami is a place where everyone can find his place.Located between the Everglades National Park and Biscayne Park, Miami enjoys a tropical climate, warm and humid all year round. Over the years, Miami has built a reputation as a trendy city, as well as artistic city by hosting every year the international "Art Basel" event that brings together and presents more than 250 prestigious galleries from all over the world.Miami is also famous for the culture of sport: surfing, windsurfing and other street workout have become the most practiced activities in recent years, that make sport as the real king of Miami. Miami's diversity...

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