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136 anuncios en Florida

The US state of Florida is located on the southeastern coast of the United States. Florida is considered the state of the sun and covers an area of more than 150,000 km2. Even though it was originally a gigantic marshy area infested with mosquitoes, Florida has become over the thread of time and the constructions, a unique place in the world. Its geographical position and its infinite coastline offers kilometers of white sandy beach, lined with coconut trees which makes it a destination appreciated by retirees, celebrities and high level sportsmen.  Additionally, some area like Orlando, are also enjoyed by families for their proximities with renowned great schools, malls and some attractions like "Disney World" the world's largest amusement park.

Since 2015, the luxury real estate market is back in force, and particularly in areas like Miami. Numerous waterfront properties, and high-end penthouses are constantly emerging. Even though the 2016 year was slowed by the election of Donald Trump, the Florida market with prestigious constructions continues to appeal to investors around the world in search of a main or secondary home. However, Miami is not the only attractive destination for real estate, in Orlando for example or on the west coast, the market is experiencing steady growth, including attractive opportunities and high return opportunities.

Descubra las regiones en Florida

The state of Florida has more than 20 million inhabitants and has much to offer its visitors. Even though Florida is essentially known for destinations such as Miami and its white sand beaches, it is in fact a state that abounds with exceptional places. In addition, its subtropical climate allows it to be accessible throughout the year.
Descubra las regiones en Florida


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