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Vigna Clara

Italia - Roma & Alrededores


Vigna Clara - Roma & Alrededores

Vigna Clara is a pleasant and commercial neighbourhood close to the historical center of Rome. It enjoys all amenities, high-end services and lovely public parks. This safe area is a nice neighbourhood for families and young couples who want to enjoy a peaceful lifestyle. Vigna Clara offers elegant buildings and luxury villas and welcomes the wealthy part of the Roman population.

Reseña del mercado

The Rome real-estate market represents, with the one of Milan, almost 70% of the Italian housing sales. In 2006, the residential market reached its peak regarding the annual sales but due to the 2007 crisis, this market was considerably impacted. Since 2014, the sector has started to rise and this increase may stabilize over the years. This growth is favoured thanks to low interest rates on mortgage loans. Besides, since 2008, prices have been lower, which is a major advantage for investors. Despite the previous elements, the Rome real-estate market is particularly attractive for foreign investors. It is the perfect time to invest and realize a nice capital gain in the next few years.

¿Quiénes son los compradores?

The main investors who choose Italy as the country to purchase a property equally come from the United Kingdom and Italy. The majority of the other investors come from Russia and the rest of Europe.

Lo escencial en ventas

It is possible to buy a property in Italy if you respect the various administrative formalities. It is highly recommended to contact a professional of the real-estate sector. The signature of the sales contrat must be held before a notary. The latest will deal with the writing of the contract, the transaction registration as well as the payment of various taxes (such as the local property, the capital gains, the wealth and inheritance taxes).


Roma & Alrededores
Descubra los hotspots en Roma & Alrededores
As the famous saying states it:"All roads lead to Rome" and this exceptional city has a lot to offer thanks to its 28 centuries of history. Rome, the capital of Italy, is situated in the Latium region, in the center of the country and next to the Tiber river. Nicknamed the "Eternal City", Rome is also the capital of Catholicism as it includes the enclave Vatican (the headquarters of the papacy), which has been an independent state since 1929.Rome is truly an open sky museum by itself as it has preserved a true architectural cohesion. Antique temples and amphitheaters are parts of the town planning. The countless churches are testament to the early stages of Christianity, along with the sumptuous Renaissance Palaces, the fountains and sq...

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