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The internationally-known brands from Italy such as Gucci, Armani or Prada made the country famous on the world luxury stage and favoured the wealthy clientele to choose this upscale destination. Discover its extraordinary landscapes where medieval villages decorate the country side, its charming cities and its trendy seaside resorts. Dive into the magic Italian atmosphere through our finest suggestion of luxury properties.

2015 was characterized by the recovery in housing sales and by a decrease in housing interest rates in Italy. This trend has been confirmed in 2016 and may be maintained in 2017. Prices are still low, which attracts foreign investments, who can be sure to enjoy a significant capital gain in the following years.

Descubra las regiones en Italia

The Amalfi coast, Milan, Venice or Rome are ones of the finest destinations in Italy. If you wish to experience the Italian way of life, the food authenticity and the various astonishing places, uncover the outstanding selection of the Prestige areas in Italy.
Descubra las regiones en Italia


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