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Eagle Ridge

Canadá - Calgary


Eagle Ridge - Calgary

Eagle Ridge is a posh residential neighbourhood in the south-west part of Calgary. Developed in the 1960s, this exclusive district is home to luxury properties and mansions, which are uniquely designed, on extensive manicured lots. Close to Downtown Calgary, Eagle Ridge has seen a transformation with various multi-million dollar homes being built. The absolute district has a remarkable attractiveness due to its large lot size, its natural surroundings and its prestigious dimension. It has a lot to offer to its wealthy residents in terms of convenient lifestyle with several nearby amenities, services and recreational opportunities.

Reseña del mercado

Calgary is welcoming more and more foreign investors who are looking for luxury properties. The most sought-after ones are the houses of more than $1.5 million. This new attractiveness galvanizes the economy of the city and the luxury real estate market is rising, year after year. This phenomenon can be explained thanks to low mortgage rates and a high demand of wealthy foreign buyers who consider Canada as a secure and stable country to invest in.

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Descubra los hotspots en Calgary
Situated in the south of the Alberta province, at the intersection of the Bow and Elbow Rivers, Calgary is the most populous city of the province with 1.2 million inhabitants. This cosmopolitan area is one of Canada's wealthiest cities and sits in a vast plain where the Rocky Mountains rise dramatically to the west. Calgary surprises by its beauty, its cool eateries, its countless festivals throughout the year and its dynamic nightlife. It became one of the major country music center in Canada and spreads an innovative spirit.This is an attractive business center and one of the world leaders in the energy area because its main industry is based on oil as the reserves in Alberta are estimated to be second only to Saudi Arabia's. Besides t...

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