Look back at the 5th Prestige MLS Congress « Vision »
The annual Congress of the Prestige MLS Luxury Real Estate network was held on Friday, December 16th, 2016. This year, was a time of change : Prestige MLS used this occasion to announce the main guidelines of its new positioning.
To celebrate the event, the organizers selected the Palais de Tokyo, a renowned contemporary art venue, to host its 5th « Vision » Congress.
Members from all over the world made the trip to join MLS at this event, thus confirming the importance of this conference as a valuable meeting of Luxury Real Estate players from the international market.
The half-day conferences began with a speech by Mr. Jacques Bigand, Chairman of the Gercop Group, a new operator of Prestige MLS. After revisiting the definition of prestigious Real Estate, Jacques Bigand disclosed the ambitions of the Prestige MLS network as well as its new positioning. Jean Marc Welsch, Operations Manager of Prestige MLS, then went on stage to present the structural innovations they intend to put into place in the coming months.
The conference continued with Geoffroy Reiser, Director of Business Development at ListGlobally. The expert first started off by reviewing the partnership between Prestige MLS and the international multicast company. He also stressed the need for leaders of Luxury Real Estate to be guided when approaching foreign markets.
Specializing in the renovation of exceptional properties, company France-Lanord and Bichaton, declared its partnership with the Prestige MLS network. This alliance will allow Merbers to benefit from the know-how of the organization while introducing Prestige MLS’ intention of acquainting itself with complementary partners.
It was then the turn of Florian Mas and Vincent Lecamus, co-founders of the blog Immobilier 2.0, to speak. The experts took to the stage to present the fundamentals that constitute exceptional user experience.
These conferences allowed participants to project themselves into the future of their network, while offering quality information regarding the trends in Luxury Real Estate. They demonstrated Prestige MLS’s commitment to innovation, as well as its international commitment.
Exhibition Tour and Cocktails
The conference attendees were then lucky enough to be able to visit the exhibition « Carte blanche à Tino Sehgal ». The artist overtook the whole of the Palais de Tokyo for this exhibition in order to bring together his most important works.
Tino Sehgal delivered a living installation, contrary to what one usually sees. If the visitor normally follows a predefined course, here they become an actor of their experience. It is the way the visitor answers the questions asked by his collaborators that will determine their way.
The artist wanted to present living and ephemeral works for this « carte blanche ». Visitors were able to discover various installations revolving around song, dance and movement. This presentation took place along all three floors of the Palais de Tokyo.
The conference concluded with a cocktail dinner. A moment of conviviality during which guests got to relax and chat, while taking in the magnificent view of the Eiffel Tower from the terrace of the Palais de Tokyo.
It is safe to say that the Prestige MLS conference was a success. The organizers were able to set up a program that combined information, relaxation, discovery and communication. The guests left satisfied, assured in the knowledge that the future of their network and its capacity to remain one of the leaders of international Luxury Real Estate are secure.