Our Blog Is Going Mobile!
Read us from anywhere on your smartphones! To satisfy the increasing number of our readers who use phone devices, the Prestige MLS now has a mobile website. Read all the details below!
Pages are faster to load, more adapted to small screens, and it’s easier than ever to share our articles with your phone social media apps
Mobile traffic is the next big thing in the Internet world, and it seems like we are only seeing the beginning of it. In 2013, mobile internet traffic nearly doubled in the US, to an average of 1.2 gigabytes a month. Worldwide, mobile accounted for roughly 17% of all web traffic in June 2013. As such, our Blog had to be accessible in a convenient way to all our mobile visitors.
When browsing our blog from a smartphone, you will automatically be directed to our mobile website. Please note you may always go back to the desktop version by clicking on « desktop version » at the bottom of the website.
Benefits for mobile readers are great, and the Prestige MLS Blog is now with you all the time! Pages are faster to load, structure is more fitted to the size of your screen, and it’s easier than ever to share our articles with your phone social media apps.
You think this post is worth sharing on social media? Click on the social media you want to share this in the share bar on the right of your screen. We offer shares to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and by email. Hit one of them and you will be able to share it very easily from your phone’s app. Sharing has never been easier.
Below is an example of a before/after screenshot of our Blog on smartphone devices:
Give it try! Get on your smartphone’s browser and Google « Prestige MLS Blog », or simply visit www.prestige-mls.com/blog . See it for yourself and let us know what you think!